A quick Unrelenting Force shout or Paralysis spell will do the trick. Other Exploits And Tricks To Power Level PickpocketingĪlright, if you really want to go for that 1000+ Septim purse, you can immobilize the NPC beforehand. 99% chance may be close, but it isn't 100%! Though it's important to remember that there will always be a chance for failure. While it may be tempting to go for the easy steals, keep in mind that the more difficult attempts will give you more experience. The higher the percentage, the more likely it is that your attempt will succeed.

Luckily, you'll get a clear indication of how successful each pickpocket attempt will be through corresponding percentages. So, the more you successfully pickpocket NPCs, the faster your Pickpocket skill will level up. Unlike previous Elder Scrolls games, Skyrim's leveling system is entirely dependent on how much a player uses a skill. Here you'll find our guide to quickly leveling up your Pickpocket skill to give yourself an edge in the early game. Though Pickpocketing may initially be difficult to power level, there are plenty of tricks to get yourself to a skill level of 100. MORE: The Persuasion Pie In The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Was Truly Special.

Of these skills, Pickpocket is one of the most useful in the game, making it ideal for players to quickly level up early on. The game's collection of Thief skills is incredibly versatile, providing players with easy ways to resolve conflict or get rich quickly. No matter what play style you like to use in Skyrim, chances are you'll do a bit of stealing on the side.